Personal Accomplishments
This week, I focused on polishing up the features of the UI subsystem. I was waiting on my teammates to finish their subsystems so we could start the integration process ahead of our interim demo. I helped them brainstorm, fix bugs, and make design modifications to their subsystems. Further, I started the process of integration by setting up the communication with the signal processor and the lighting engine, and tested the functionality of my subsystem in conjunction with the others. I also worked with the team to plan out the lighting logic that will convert the inputs from the signal processor to the desired light outputs, taking into account the randomness of the GigBar.
On Track?
I am on track with my work and feel confident in our progress. My goal for this week was to be at a position where we can start integration and leave enough time for testing. We were able to accomplish this and start integration on schedule, and we have an actionable plan for the lighting effects. We also have ample time before the interim demo to make any necessary adjustments and ensure everything is functioning properly.
Goals for Next Week
Next week, I will continue to collaborate with the team on completing integrations and making any necessary adjustments or refinements to the lighting logic. We will spend more time fleshing out the show class, and testing the subsystems independently and in conjunction, so that we do not have any unexpected behavior ahead of the interim demo. I will also spend time thinking about the demo metrics, and make sure that our project is able to complete the deliverables we have planned for the MVP. I will also assist with any additional testing and bug fixes as needed.