Over the last two weeks, the team made some progress in all of the subsystems. For signal processing, we defined the windowing parameters and were able to extract out audio features from a file. As for the lighting engine, we created objects for lights and light sets that are due to be tested when our lights are delivered next week. Finally, for the UI, we created the Django models and established communication with the computer I/O. For the week of March 4th, we spent most of the time working on finishing the design report as a team. We tried to make our design report as thorough as possible, and it required multiple hours of deliberation and work among all of us. For the week of March 11, we did make much progress as we all took time off for spring break. However, this was expected and we had accounted for this on our Gantt Chart.
The primary risk for this project is being able to finish and test all the systems fast enough to leave adequate time for integration. In order to do so, we will need to make substantial progress over the course of next week. However, we are still bottlenecked by the delivery of the lights, so we will continue to work in the IDeATe media lab until we get ours. Another risk as of now is determining how we are going to map the outputs from the signal processor and genre classifier to the lighting calls. We will work on this after we make some more progress on our subsystems.
We are on track with our progress for the project, and we have been able to stay true to the interal deadlines we set up. Hence, there are no significant changes to our overall schedule. Overall, we are aiming to get ahead on the schedule again next week, so we are planning on front-loading some of the tasks from later weeks. We will primarily be working on finishing our subsystems individually, so that we can start testing and integration beginning next week.
We saw this lighting setup in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic during Spring Break. The performer was using the lights’ inbuilt sound active mode, and it was repetitive and did not reflect the music well. Further, spending some time looking at the lights made the audience dizzy, which is a clear problem. This reinforced our motivation for doing this project.