Personal Accomplishments
I spent this week working on building up the LE python code. I specifically worked on two main classes. The first is the Light class. The light class contains information about the what channels are associated with a light as well as the implementation of using DMXPi to actually change pin values. There are a few different types of Lights such as Laser, Derby, Par, and Strobe. These classes all extend the Light Class and have specific implementations for controlling them individually. The second class that I worked on is the LightSet class. The LightSet class contains a group of lights of the same kind. Different functions will be called on LightSets. Examples of these functions are flash, fade, blackout and more. These classes allow the lights to actually be controlled as a group as well as individually.
On Track?
I believe that I am on track because I have set aside 3 weeks to work on the logic and queue of the lighting engine. The classes the I wrote are key components of this lighting engine and will allow me to start testing and experimenting with different lighting logic functionality. The only thing that could be worrisome is if I run into any massive bugs while testing how this light set functionality works when actually controlling the lights. That is why I am looking forward to testing these classes and their interface with the lights on the actual lights that we are going to be using.
Goals for Next Week
The goal for next week is to have the Light and LightSet classes completely working and to complete the Lighting Execution Queue functionality. That way I should be able to manually call different lighting functions such as fade, flash, and blackout and should be able to see the lights changing in correspondence to the calls being made. At that point all I would really need to do is implement the Lighting Logic that would convert signals into light function calls. It would be great to have a basic working prototype of basic volume thresholded lighting calls by spring break time.