Eshita’s Status Report for 4/22

This week, my focus was to round out and complete the overdue tasks of creating and integrating our embedded ML model and adding Neopixel light cycles to ScentBot’s different states. We collected data for paint thinner, smoke, and alcohol as a team, and in exploring ML models we could utilize, I came across a GCP tool called Neuton, which had backed tutorials of being able to run on an Arduino. After training on our dataset to create a neural network, we faced issues in integrating it for the Arduino Mega specifically. Upon more research, I found that the architectural driver to run the model on an ATmega processor was not the same and hence, this model would not compatible to run. I instead shifted tracks to utilizing MicroMLgen, which has the capability to convert a Support Vector Classification model in Python to a C header file (an example that we are using for ScentBot currently), which we could include on our Arduino sketch as a library.

In creating the SVC, there was a tradeoff between storage space on the Mega vs. the accuracy that the model could obtain. We also found that while the classification of the model was good after a high threshold was reached, localization would prove difficult due to the high number of false positives. Hence, we decided on a linear SVC model, which would only classify upon reaching a set threshold of sensor values. Upon testing, we also found that it was difficult to test smoke in the presence of other flammable substances and make its directionality toward the sensor array. We also explored propane and isobutane medical sprays to potentially trigger our sensors, but the concentration was not high enough to trigger the sensors. We decided to ain to make ScentBot work for alcohol, paint thinner and ambient scents working toward our final demo.

I am currently on track with all our tasks. Our testing will go into the next week as we complete trial runs beyond the final presentation. I still need to work on my script, presentation skills and time taken for our slides for Monday, which we are going to work on together with the help of a practice run tomorrow.


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