This week, I worked on creating the code for the Arduino and sensor array to transfer data from the sensors to the Arduino. The code is attached on Github here ( in sensors/ and ens160_lib/. I faced a number of issues in implementing all the sensors to work together. The ENS160 library was not updated with the most recent libraries so I had to update one of the functions in the Arduino library made by ScioSense to make it functional. The picture of the sensors working is attached below.
The other aspect I was working on was communication using the ESP8266 chip. There is a way to send JSON data across wifi to a local web server hosted on the Wi-Fi module. The working implementation of this is attached, showing a simple JSON message hosted entirely locally on the Wifi-module. Sending across data using JSON is very feasible, but adds complexity in retrieving the data from the web server for the classification algorithm. On the other hand, the ESP8266 chip we have ordered does not have enough documentation for being implemented on Azure with MQTT, as was highlighted in my previous status report. We have a NodeMCU which works with Azure, and I will research communication between the NodeMCU and the Arduino since our sensors will only work all together with I2C on the Arduino.