This week, I worked on setting up the Azure IoT hub instance with the configurations and adding the ESP8266 to the devices list for communicating with the cloud. I faced a number of issues in setting this up, as the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module we ordered does not have much documentation or listed steps for connecting to Azure. I used a modified Azure SDK for the NodeMCU version of the chip through the Arduino IDE, but there are additional requirements like flashing the firmware since we’re relaying it through the Arduino Uno. Flashing the firmware is very OS-dependent, so I am thinking about how we’re going to integrate all of this together down the line. I fell behind schedule this week, not being able to work with Caroline on the sensor system assembly, but we will begin this immediately since there is still a sensor that has not arrived yet. Connecting this hardware to the cloud was harder than I had imagined, previously coming from building just software solutions on the cloud. I feel like my shortfall in not being able to contribute this week has given me some anxiety about playing catch-up, but I will work on this immediately and make it a priority for me to complete it.