Team Status Report, April 1st 2023

This week the team continued on making significant progress. Jimmy further optimized his CV system to account for color detection, and Jimmy and Devank were able to integrate their separate systems. Devank was able to fix an error pointed out by Jimmy this week with the placement of the lines and was able to work on the frame a little more. Justin was able to able to finish work on the Radio transceivers and was able to start work on the microcontroller. Justin and Devank will work on integrating their systems later in the week. With the upcoming interim demo, the team decided on a few major design changes to the overall system. The first of these is with the frame, which would require an extension to the current base to move the pool table forward (see Devank’s status Report for exact details). This is because the projector is projecting at an angle and not dead center, which is what we accounted for. This is an easy change to implement though as it only requires minimal woodworking. The second of these is that we changed the embedded cue stick from having real-time feedback on the LED to having post-shot feedback based on the shot made by the user. Where this feedback will be given is still to be decided but one idea would be to project it back onto the pool table for the user to see. Despite the design changes, we are still on track and should be good for the interim demo. We are continuing to make progress and are in good shape to finish on time.

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