Justin’s Status Report for 4-8-23
This week I spent most of my time on assembling the components to be put on the pool cue. This meant I had to take apart my microcontrollers and reassemble them by soldering the wires back together. I also spent time on integration, writing a python file to read the data from the Arduino and print it to a .txt file. Then Devank and Jimmy can read the .txt file to get the data from the Arduino. I have been testing the individual components of my project this whole semester, making sure that the data I am sending is accurate. However, I do need to test how accurate the pool cue is at detecting when a shot has been made. This simply requires making several shots on the pool table and seeing if the pool cue recognizes them. My progress is on schedule. Next week I hope to fix some issues with the soldering, as the wires I am currently using are stronger than the solder, causing it to easily break off. Hopefully, by replacing them with wires that are easier to bend, the wires will bend under pressure instead of breaking the solder.