Jimmy’s Status Report for April 8th

Devank and I continued to work on the integration of our two systems, the shot calculation, projection and CV System. We made good progress on working on it but found some errors that need to be fixed this upcoming week. We discovered that when the projection is going on the CV system will detect the projection as well as the actual pool balls on the pool table which results in inaccurate readings. We have currently conducted informal testing so far by setting up various situations on a pool table and then seeing what the system outputs as the results. We plan on doing more formal testing in the next several weeks to analyze how our system is working. We plan on doing this by setting up different pool situations and asking somebody who is new to playing pool to come and try to make the shot. We will analyze how close the person is to making the shot with and without our system. We also will test and analyze how quickly our system is able to calculate the next shot.  We currently are on schedule and on track to finishing the project in time.

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