Sophia’s Status Report 03/18

This week, I spent some time working on the integration of the IMU data. It was a little bit more finicky than I thought especially because it took a while to understand the sensor_event_type and its different attributes. I also experimented with not using the Arduino wrapper and directly pulling out the raw data. However, the raw data was extremely confusing to use and work with so I have decided to use the wrapper function. I have also worked on ordering the Uduino package. However, due to issues with purchasing software packages, the ordering for it has been delayed and moved higher up into administration.

I was out of town traveling so I did not finish everything I wanted to do before I left. Due to this, I am also a little bit behind on schedule. This just means, however, that I will need to do some more work over the week end to compensate for this.

Next week I hope that double integration script will be finalized so I can do some tests, debug, and fine tune it then.

Team Status Report 3/18

Currently, our group has the same risks as before in prior weeks. We still would potentially have issues if integration were to go poorly. At the moment we are simply trying to make steady progress, and hope to begin integration as soon as possible just in case there are any roadblocks. Due to recent updates to our design though, this should be mitigated since we have started using packages that will implement some integration of components a little more smoothly then in earlier versions.

From the last week no changes have been made to our current design

No updates or changes have occurred since our last update

Currently our progress is steady and there are no major updates from last weeks status report.

Anthony’s Status Report 3/18

This week I mostly worked on continuing to understand how unity works, by messing with some of the packages in my own projects.  Our group was able to get the extra android phones that were needed at the end part of this week. This will allow me to soon start implementing the actual game for our product, since phones are required in order to test and run the VR packages that we need to use to create our game. I was able to verify that the phones are working , but not actually able to start using it to develop anything for our game this week. I also spent some time working on the ethics assignment for the week as well, which took more time than anticipated.

Currently in terms of progress, I am still slightly behind like I was prior, but did not get any more ahead or behind than our prior week. In general progress is steady, and should be able to catch up once I start implementing games.

Next week, I will be able to get started on creating on creating the game and hopefully helping my partners with whatever else they need as well.

Joseph’s Status Report for 3/18

This week I started writing out the code for the line calculation algorithm. The lines are yet to actually be rendered and tested with dummy data, but the basic code structure and pipeline have been written out. In addition to this, I also read and worked on the ethics assignment and readings that we were assigned to do. Schedule-wise, I am still a bit behind, but once the line algorithm has been written out and tested I should be back on schedule. I hope to finish up the line calculation and rendering algorithm in the following week and test it out for bugs.

Joseph’s Status Report 3/04

This week I spent time solidifying how exactly the line calculation algorithm will be designed, codewise. Also, I decided which unity gameobjects would be best used in order to render the lines, that being the line renderer object over the trail renderer object. This is due to the line renderer working better with the locational data points we will obtain from the hardware, as well as better integration with the cloud anchor objects necessary to make the drawings able to be seen on multiple devices. Other than that, the rest of the time was spent working on the Design Report, which took quite a bit of time.

Unfortunately, I was hindered this week and spring break by a medical issue that cropped up Monday the 27th, that being extremely bad stomach pain that came on whenever and always lasted for hours, rendering me incapable of anything. I went to the ER Saturday the 4th when it wouldn’t get better and instead got worse, in which they didn’t find anything obvious and life-threatening luckily, though also weren’t exactly sure what it was.

(medical note attached)

Luckily, after some follow-up visits, time and medicine I seem to finally be getting better as of today, so I’m hopeful to get more done this following week, which would involve me working towards a functional line rendering script with test inputs. I am somewhat behind schedule due to this issue, as I should’ve started actually coding the line algorithm by this point, but from previous research on the best ways to implement this, I am confident I can code a functional line renderer within our set timeline.

Anthony’s Status Report 03/04

For this last week, most of my time ended up being spent working on our groups research Design Report. Although it was expected that this task would be simple it ended up taking a lot more time than anyone in our group had anticipated. Also since I still do not have access to an Android device, which would be required to actually perform testing and programming with our AR Foundation Software, I have not been able to start working on coding content specific with the AR packages. I instead continued to do light research on how the packages will work and will be integrated. As mentioned from last week, I was able to start trying to figure out how to create the game scenes themselves, and how they will potentially be integrated on the phone app with AR foundation. I was not able to get started on the game code itself, rather sample projects that will hopefully allow us to simply integrate easily once all resources have been ordered.

My schedule is still a little behind, since We expected to get started on creating the game itself at this time, but it does not currently set us back to much given some buffer we also have for the project as well. Catching up will simply require taking a bit more time on weekends to work on developing the code, and figuring out how to integrate.

Next week we will hopefully the all our resources in order to allow everyone in the group to have the ability to integrate code with AR Foundation. At this point I also expect to start actually starting and getting through a good portion of app creation itself, assuming no other tasks get in the way.

Team Status Report 03/04

For this week the group mainly worked on finalizing the submission for our Design report, which ended up taking a lot more time that was originally expected. Each group member, in addition to focusing on the design report, was able to make some minimal progress on each part they were in charge of for the project.

So far one of the main risks to our project would simply be if current development of each part of our project were to failed to be integrated once each group member is able to complete their work. This should be mitigated with the constant communication we plan to have as a group as we develop for our project.

A slight change was made to our design, where we were able to discover that we would be able to integrate our NodeMCU with Unity using a package called Udunio. This was originally considered, but it did not seem like it would suit our needs, so we had planned on developing a python script to transfer data from our drawing device to the unity app. Upon further research and advice that having our own Python net socket would add too much overhead, we have decided that Udunio features the functions we desired. The only real cost involved is that the package is not free, and time will be taken trying to figure out how to purchase and use it, but this should be minor.

Due to feedback, some of our timeline has been scaled back slightly, mainly hardware, which was initially considered to be too ambitious. We have simply provided more time for each portion of our project and have left integration for a slightly later date then initially anticipated. We hope to thoroughly debug our individual components so we can hopefully reduce and prevent the number of issues that come up during integration.

Overall, the tools we plan to use in our design have not changed from prior iterations since we began planning, besides the change that was previously mentioned. In general it has been determined that the team will be using:

  • Unity will be the main software we will use to develop the app,
  • AR Foundation packages will be needed for AR features used
  • Uduino to send data from our drawing device to our application
  • IMU to detect motion of our drawing device
  • NodeMCU in order to track data that will come from using the drawing device ( when IMU detects movement, when buttons are pushed, make LED light turn on, etc.)
  • Android devices which will be what we will be building for

Sophia’s Status Report 03/04

This week was mainly spent working on the design report. It took a lot more time than we anticipated, which meant there was less progress than I hoped in terms of programming the hardware. Nonetheless, I spent some time trying to program the NodeMCU mode so it can interact as planned between the IMU, buttons, and LED.  Preliminary tests were done with the IMU to make sure that it was able to detect tilt and motion through changes of velocity and acceleration. Additionally, I programmed simple functionality so that the NodeMCU can detect when the button is being pressed and being able to turn the LED on/off.

Due to feedback from previous presentations about our schedule being too ambitious, I set back the schedule for hardware a little bit. With this new adjusted schedule, I am on track.

The next steps are to start working on double integrating the IMU data to see how accurate the distance measurements are. I also need to purchase the Unity package Uduino so we can do some preliminary testing of our data transferring to help prevent future issues in integration.

Joseph’s Status Report for 2/25/2023

This week was mostly spent going over some issues brought up in our design presentation and working on our design report. I have messed around with a bunch of the extra gameobjects and functionality provided by the ARFoundation and ARCore packages within Unity. I was delayed by a Unity bug I have never gotten before, in which the Unity Hub failed to open any of the Unity projects I have downloaded on my laptop, which took a decent amount of time to figure out.

Our progress is mostly on schedule, maybe a little behind due to hardware parts taking time to get here. In order to catch up, we will focus heavily on the hardware for the next week. We hope to have this flushed out in the next week.

Team’s Status Report 2/25

Most of this week was dedicated to flushing out issues brought up in our design presentation as well as working on the design report. There were a few holes in the hardware that needed to be addressed, specifically regarding how the pen would be calibrated. We have narrowed it down to two potential methods: requiring a calibration stage that places the pen on the ground or requiring another static device that doesn’t move to serve as a reference point. We want to discuss more during our meeting to see which one may be better.

We have adjusted team assignments so that Anthony will be assisting Sophia with hardware more so in the beginning. There are a lot of areas that need to be flushed out more fully so having two people will hopefully make the design more robust and created more quickly, which is a necessity due to the software depending on the hardware.