For this week the group mainly worked on finalizing the submission for our Design report, which ended up taking a lot more time that was originally expected. Each group member, in addition to focusing on the design report, was able to make some minimal progress on each part they were in charge of for the project.
So far one of the main risks to our project would simply be if current development of each part of our project were to failed to be integrated once each group member is able to complete their work. This should be mitigated with the constant communication we plan to have as a group as we develop for our project.
A slight change was made to our design, where we were able to discover that we would be able to integrate our NodeMCU with Unity using a package called Udunio. This was originally considered, but it did not seem like it would suit our needs, so we had planned on developing a python script to transfer data from our drawing device to the unity app. Upon further research and advice that having our own Python net socket would add too much overhead, we have decided that Udunio features the functions we desired. The only real cost involved is that the package is not free, and time will be taken trying to figure out how to purchase and use it, but this should be minor.
Due to feedback, some of our timeline has been scaled back slightly, mainly hardware, which was initially considered to be too ambitious. We have simply provided more time for each portion of our project and have left integration for a slightly later date then initially anticipated. We hope to thoroughly debug our individual components so we can hopefully reduce and prevent the number of issues that come up during integration.
Overall, the tools we plan to use in our design have not changed from prior iterations since we began planning, besides the change that was previously mentioned. In general it has been determined that the team will be using:
- Unity will be the main software we will use to develop the app,
- AR Foundation packages will be needed for AR features used
- Uduino to send data from our drawing device to our application
- IMU to detect motion of our drawing device
- NodeMCU in order to track data that will come from using the drawing device ( when IMU detects movement, when buttons are pushed, make LED light turn on, etc.)
- Android devices which will be what we will be building for