Anthony’s Status Report 03/04

For this last week, most of my time ended up being spent working on our groups research Design Report. Although it was expected that this task would be simple it ended up taking a lot more time than anyone in our group had anticipated. Also since I still do not have access to an Android device, which would be required to actually perform testing and programming with our AR Foundation Software, I have not been able to start working on coding content specific with the AR packages. I instead continued to do light research on how the packages will work and will be integrated. As mentioned from last week, I was able to start trying to figure out how to create the game scenes themselves, and how they will potentially be integrated on the phone app with AR foundation. I was not able to get started on the game code itself, rather sample projects that will hopefully allow us to simply integrate easily once all resources have been ordered.

My schedule is still a little behind, since We expected to get started on creating the game itself at this time, but it does not currently set us back to much given some buffer we also have for the project as well. Catching up will simply require taking a bit more time on weekends to work on developing the code, and figuring out how to integrate.

Next week we will hopefully the all our resources in order to allow everyone in the group to have the ability to integrate code with AR Foundation. At this point I also expect to start actually starting and getting through a good portion of app creation itself, assuming no other tasks get in the way.

Anthony’s Status Report 2/25

This week for me was a little lighter in terms of work for the project due to presentations that were taking place during the week and the fact that my progress relies in some aspect to waiting on the parts coming in and my partners getting a few base components working. I helped this week on updating and getting started on our design report. In addition to this I have been researching further on the packages we plan to use for our ar technology (Like AR Foundation) as well as starting to play around with unity to remind myself how the software works. Actually using the AR Foundation technology is still not possible, since I do not have access to an android device, which I also researched about potentially searching to allow our team to test. I started also researching how to create the game scenes for our mini game, so that we can start to create the game structure itself very soon. Next week I hope to actually get started on creating the game scenes and gain access to an android device to assist Joseph in figuring out how to use and how to apply AR Foundation to our game. I will also be assisting in creating the design report and anything that Sophia needs help with when it comes to working with the hardware. We are on track for the most part, although trailing a little behind. In order to make up for this though, we will be making sure to keep steady progress and possible make some extra progress during spring break if it is necessary in order to progress at a steady pace.

Anthony Status Report for 02/18

This week I spent most of my time researching how ARCore functions and the different packages that can be used in conjunction with the software itself. This was to make sure as a group that we have a solid understanding of how the packages work before we dive in and begin to use them. Much of the other time was spend working on the design slides, which was information that was collected from research about ARCore. The general game scene design was also constructed both for the presentation, and in order to better plan out how our game will be developed.

This is on track for the most part with the schedule we assigned, although a goal at this time would have been to get started on the framework of the game itself. This does not put behind though, since having taken the time to design it should make coding it relatively straight forward.

Next week, the plan is to start creating the skeleton framework of the game itself, based on the design we created this past week. We also hope to start developing our prototype for our game, so that we create a base interface to start testing and using the AR capabilities being offered by AR Core

My focus has mainly been related to looking at documentation for software and considering software designs. The main courses that have aided in this would be 15-122 and 18-213. A bit of experience from participating in game design also helped with designing the framework for our game. 18-202 will most likely start to come in handy once we start programming and potentially require performing measurements for our actual design.

Anthony Status Report 12/11/2023

This week has been dedicated in creating the proposal and also researching about different packages in unity related to Ar. The specific tool that I have researched has been the ARcore tool which is a package that is a part of the other AR tools in unity. Different tutorials have been followed using this software have been created using this same tool to make sure a solid understanding exist of this AR core tool so that we can implement content as expected. In addition to this, some further understating has been developed of unity in general and any other tools required with the AR core packages.