This week our group has mainly been focused on making sure we are prepared for our demo presentation. I specifically have been working on the app as mentioned in the previous status report. There was a slight pivot that was mentioned prior though, because I have specifically been working on hopefully integrating out hardware with our application in some fashion. This has been done by trying to figure out how to use the Uduino package in Unity, which will help with sending data over from our pen device to our unity app. I was able to get it to work, and have been able to confirm that the two can communicate with each other.
Currently we are not necessarily behind, rather on track to make progress. This has readjusted our schedule slightly since we had originally planned on intricate integration taking place last, but for the demo and for practical reasons it make sense to get the MVP working.
This next week I hope to get it integrated where our pen device can communicate with the app, and also continue working on the app itself, so it is intuitive for our users to play the game.