This week was dedicated to our ethics discussions. It was a useful experience as it definitely helped open my eyes and see some ethical considerations we hadn’t thought of before. In terms of more technical work, I spent some time coding up our IMU script. I have settled on using the wrapper functions rather than tinkering with the raw data as the raw data is formatted in a way that parsing through it manually myself will introduce a bunch of unnecessary overhead and make it difficult to hit our proposed latency goals. I have been struggling a little bit to get the rotation vector working properly since all provided angles are positive. It has then been difficult to differentiate a tilt from the left versus a tilt from the right. Its unclear if this will cause future issues for us when it comes to calculating line position so I want to debug this as thoroughly as possible before reaching that point. I have also finally been able to purchase Uduino after help from the ECE purchasing. I have not yet tested how well Uduino works with our NodeMCU board.
I am still slightly behind schedule because by now I should have the double integration script working. However, the next few weeks have been allotted for debugging and fine-turning, which is technically what I am working on right now. I will be working on this a little bit over the weekend to hopefully figure out this little bump and be right on schedule.
Next week will be spent fine tuning our IMU script and trying to test its integration with Uduino to send data over to our Android devices.