This week, I spent some time working on the integration of the IMU data. It was a little bit more finicky than I thought especially because it took a while to understand the sensor_event_type and its different attributes. I also experimented with not using the Arduino wrapper and directly pulling out the raw data. However, the raw data was extremely confusing to use and work with so I have decided to use the wrapper function. I have also worked on ordering the Uduino package. However, due to issues with purchasing software packages, the ordering for it has been delayed and moved higher up into administration.
I was out of town traveling so I did not finish everything I wanted to do before I left. Due to this, I am also a little bit behind on schedule. This just means, however, that I will need to do some more work over the week end to compensate for this.
Next week I hope that double integration script will be finalized so I can do some tests, debug, and fine tune it then.