This week I spent time solidifying how exactly the line calculation algorithm will be designed, codewise. Also, I decided which unity gameobjects would be best used in order to render the lines, that being the line renderer object over the trail renderer object. This is due to the line renderer working better with the locational data points we will obtain from the hardware, as well as better integration with the cloud anchor objects necessary to make the drawings able to be seen on multiple devices. Other than that, the rest of the time was spent working on the Design Report, which took quite a bit of time.
Unfortunately, I was hindered this week and spring break by a medical issue that cropped up Monday the 27th, that being extremely bad stomach pain that came on whenever and always lasted for hours, rendering me incapable of anything. I went to the ER Saturday the 4th when it wouldn’t get better and instead got worse, in which they didn’t find anything obvious and life-threatening luckily, though also weren’t exactly sure what it was.
(medical note attached)
Luckily, after some follow-up visits, time and medicine I seem to finally be getting better as of today, so I’m hopeful to get more done this following week, which would involve me working towards a functional line rendering script with test inputs. I am somewhat behind schedule due to this issue, as I should’ve started actually coding the line algorithm by this point, but from previous research on the best ways to implement this, I am confident I can code a functional line renderer within our set timeline.