Sophia’s Status Report for 02/11/2023

The first half of the week was dedicated more towards getting our Proposal Presentation polished — which I also presented. Afterwards, I spent time researching IMUs, Arduino attachments, and other hardware devices we could use to develop our pen.  I have settled on using an Arduino plus an ESP8266 due to its low cost, plentiful documentation, ability for communication over Wi-Fi, and my prior experience with these devices. Additionally, I have narrowed down the selection to 3 IMUs. All seem to meet the specs of this project, so I will purchase a few of each so I can test them and see which ones are better suited for our purposes.

While I wait for the IMUs to arrive, I have started testing communication between an Arduino and Unity through Wi-Fi.

Anthony Status Report 12/11/2023

This week has been dedicated in creating the proposal and also researching about different packages in unity related to Ar. The specific tool that I have researched has been the ARcore tool which is a package that is a part of the other AR tools in unity. Different tutorials have been followed using this software have been created using this same tool to make sure a solid understanding exist of this AR core tool so that we can implement content as expected. In addition to this, some further understating has been developed of unity in general and any other tools required with the AR core packages.