Ankita’s Status Report 4/01

Current Progress:

  • Assembled the Smart Mirror hardware and built a frame that will encompass the monitors, mirror, and additional wiring. Our initial designs were not compatible with the wood piece sizes, so we had to pivot to another design that didn’t offer as much support for the monitors causing them to bulge in the center. To rectify this, we removed the bezel/outer covering of the monitors entirely and re-attached our mirror (as shown below)
  • We also worked on testing the camera with the current hardware and displayed some initial renderings of the nodes on the monitors. One issue right now is that the monitors’ brightness and the acrylic mirror sheet’s transparency are conflicting, making it hard to see some color renderings. Thus, as we construct the UI going forward, we will need to use bright colors to render the error suggestions and display any written commands.


  • According to the timeline, we should be finished with the hardware construction, however, because of all the issues we ran into and how critical the hardware is for the software, we chose to spend more time working on the Mirror hardware construction. This means that we will have to push the mirror-camera integration and the mirror UI into our buffer time which we allocated for situations like this where we are slightly off-track.

Next Steps:

  • Assuming our last prototype for the Mirror hardware is sufficient, we plan to work on the Mirror mapping component and finish our initial rendering of the error nodes to construct an MVP of PosePal.
  • We will also contact the yoga instructor to gain any constructive criticism before our final demo.

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