Team Status Post 4/01

Current Progress:

  • Finished Error Rendering code (circling nodes that are incorrectly aligned) to be rendered on the monitors
  • Ran into some challenges with the hardware assembly and iterated through various prototypes to ensure that both the monitors and the LCD screen spanned by the 2 monitors are as straight and even as possible to prevent any distortion effects.
    • Prototype #1: We attempted to follow the design sketched out in the previous team post of an inner and outer frame with the inner frame encapsulating the mirror and the monitors. However, we ran into issues with the sizing of the inner frame and the wood pieces available to us.
    • Prototype #2: To circumvent the sizing issue, we decided to completely scrap the inner frame idea and instead use mirror brackets to keep the mirror held in place on the larger frame. However, we ran into issues with the monitors bulging in the center as the monitor’s thickness was concentrated at that point due to the HDMI/USB/etc connections. This caused the mirror to also bulge in the center, distorting the user’s reflection.
    • Prototype #3: Still using the same mirror brackets, we decided to remove the outer casing of the monitors to get rid of the bulge in the center. This allows for an even LCD screen and no distortion effects visible on the mirror. We also cut up more wood for extra padding encompassing the monitors to ensure they are fixed in place.
  • We also worked on reflecting the nodes read by the camera to reflect what is seen from the user’s point of view.


  • One of the major unexpected challenges we faced while constructing the hardware for our project was the uneven placement of the monitors beneath the mirror which as a result warped the user’s reflection to an unacceptable degree from the perspective of our use case/design requirements.
    • To fix this, we decided to remove the entire bezel/covering of our monitors to remove their curved backing and allow them to rest cleanly within the frame and let the mirror be straight and aligned properly.
  • We also worked on the mirror-mapping component of the project and are testing it with our completed hardware construction tomorrow/making any needed adjustments before our MVP project demo on Monday
  • Next major challenge is completing all the hardware integration/testing and making revisions/fixes as needed.
  • We also will need to implement the pose corrective suggestions in addition to the pose error highlighting we currently have in place after the MVP demo


  • We are on track with original plan, but need to finish the pose corrective suggestion rendering

Next Steps:

  • Continue working on Mirror mapping UI and determining the scaling factor
  • Test the mapping on subjects of various heights to ensure the scale factor works on everyone
  • Contact the yoga instructor to determine if additional changes should be made in regard to the audio suggestions feedback and whether the product as a whole is missing any key features (also whether it meets our proposed design requirements)

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