Team’s Status Report for 4/29/2023

Risks and Mitigation

We have not tried to get our whole project functioning on an RPi yet. So far the RPi seems to be working as intended, but we have only tried it separately from the project, and have not worked to integrate it yet. This will be attempted starting this coming week, ASAP. If we run into issues we cannot solve, we will reach out, and worst case scenario the ‘final’ project will be run on a laptop. We will also need to redo some tests once the code is running on the RPi, which could lead previously successful tests to fail. We will handle any such cases the way we would handle a failed test on any platform – seek to alter/refine the code to improve efficiency.

Project Changes

There are no changes at this time.

Schedule Changes

A few of our remaining features are a bit behind schedule, as the last week of classes was quite busy – we’d like to improve the live video (very low frame rate), log-in is in progress, and we haven’t had a chance to integrate with the RPi. It is our goal to mostly wrap up these loose ends by the end of this weekend/very beginning of this week, so we can move more exclusively into testing for the week leading up to the live demo.


We tested notification speed from the pet entering the forbidden zone on the camera to the CV detecting that the pet has entered the forbidden zone. This was done via slow mo video – to mark the points in time when a ‘pet’ entered a forbidden square in real life, versus when the CV detected this (marked by the camera window closing). We wanted this to be under a second, and our results showed that the detection speed was ~0.625 seconds. 

Then, we tested the notification speed from the pet entering the forbidden zone to the Web App displaying a notification to the user that a pet has entered the forbidden zone. Once again, this was done via slow mo video, marking when the pet was detected by the CV and when the notification first shows on the web app. The goal was for this to occur in under 10 seconds, and the resulting data showed that this process occurred in ~1.125 seconds. We found that the speed from pet entering the forbidden zone to the web app displaying the notification is most limited by the rate of the frontend of the web app making requests to the backend to check if a notification should be created or not.

Next, we tested the accuracy of CV tracking by sampling certain frames and marking where a ‘human’ thinks the pet is versus where the CV thinks the pet is. We wanted this to be with 1ft, and using the the difference in centers of the bounding boxes as our metric, we were usually within 3-6 inches (measured based on knowing what the distance of two spots in the frame would be, i.e. the distance from the cat’s head to its back).

Lastly, we’ve measured the time between when an animal enters the room and when it is picked up by the CV motion detection (also with slow mo video). This took about ~0.75 seconds on average, well less than our goal of 5 seconds. 


Note: Many of these tests (any pertaining to tracking speed/frame rate) will be repeated when we switch platforms from a laptop to an RPi. It is our hope that we have sufficient wiggle room in the laptop numbers that any slow downs on the RPi will not bring us outside of our targets. If needed, we may seek out ways to make our design more efficient.

Team Status Report for 4/22/2023

Risks and Mitigation:

We may have a hard time getting a reasonable frame rate on our live video stream, if we cannot find an efficient enough way to send these images. We plan to get it as fast as possible by compressing the data as much as is reasonable, and feel that a somewhat choppy frame rate (few frames a second) would still be acceptable to the project – the most important thing is that the user would be able to get an idea of what their pet is up to. We are still in the fairly early stages of trying to get this feature up and running, so the exact frame rate that we’ll be looking at is still very TBD.

We haven’t had a chance to hook the camera up to the RPi yet (ideally this will be tested by the end of the weekend) so there’s still a risk of mechanical failure with that. We will reach out ASAP if we are unable to troubleshoot the issue, and if it ends up being a flaw with the camera itself, we will order a new one if needed before the end of the week. (The backup backup if it all goes up in flames would be for the ‘final’ version of the project to remain on laptops).

Project Changes:

There aren’t really any changes from the last status report. We will still proceed with a more separated project as we will integrate CV and Web App  with an RPi for the primary hardware. Max will work with the Jetson for the ML side. There will be no changes in cost as the materials come from the ECE inventory.

Schedule Changes:

We will be planning to do heavier integration – particularly, including the RPi – with more realistic testing in the upcoming days, and we hope to get tasks done for each remaining system of the project individually during this week. This should put us on track for the final demo.

Team’s Status Report for 4/8/2023

Risks and Mitigation

Our primary ‘risk’ currently – although it’s pretty much already happened – is that we will not be able to fully integrate the ML into our project due to unavoidable personal setbacks. The mitigation plan for this is to keep the ML separate for now and focus on integrating the CV and Web App. If things go particularly smoothly we may be able to look into integrating the ML in the last week or two of the project, but for now we will operate on the assumption that this may not happen and act accordingly. 

Project Changes (why & cost)

There aren’t really any changes from what was discussed in the last blog post. As we are proceeding with a more separated project for the time being, we will develop the CV+Web App side of the project with an RPi for the primary hardware. Max will work with the Jetson for the ML side. As these parts are all coming from inventory, this will not affect the budget for our project.

Schedule Changes

As discussed at the interim demo, the primary change to our schedule is the order in which we will focus on integration. Rather than starting with CV+ML as planned, we will be focusing very heavily on integrating CV and Web App. This will allow us to figure out the web app/hardware interactions separately from the ML while that is worked on separately.

Team’s Status Report for 4/1/2023

Risks and mitigation

Currently, the most significant risk is that we may be unable to incorporate the Machine Learning part into the system due to personal reasons. Hence, we would be unable to identify different pets in the room and the creation of the different forbidden zones for each pet would not make sense anymore. To mitigate this risk, each person is implementing a different part of the project. So, we could integrate the Web App and CV only if the Machine Learning would not be available for integration, and we could add in the Machine Learning portion if it is finished before the final demo. If the system only includes the Web App and CV, then the creation of one forbidden zone for all pets and detecting if any pet enters the forbidden zone would make the most sense as we would be unable to differentiate the pets without Machine Learning.

Project Changes (why & cost)

If we are unable to add in the Machine Learning part of the project, then we would not have to use a Jetson, which is most beneficial for training the machine learning model, to support integrating the system, which would reduce the cost of the project significantly as the Jetson costs $150 and the internet adapter needed for the Jetson costs $15-30. We would start with two computers (one for Web App and one for CV) to start integrating the system. If we can integrate Machine Learning into the project, then there would be no major changes.

Schedule Changes

We are going to change the order of integration from what was listed on the schedule. We plan to start with integrating Web App and CV, specifically sending forbidden zone data chosen by the user from the Web App for the CV to detect pets that violate the forbidden zone boundaries using sockets for the interim demo. We hope to integrate parts of the Machine Learning into the project for the interim demo as Max said he is feeling better enough to help with integrating.

Team Status Report for 3/25/2023

  1. Risks and mitigation

As we are changing the primary hardware of our project – to an objectively more complex system that we also have no experience with – our main risk at this point will be in using the Jetson Nano. The mitigation for this risk will be to ask others with more experience when we have issues using the Jetson, i.e. course staff and/or other teams. 

  1. Project Changes (why & cost)

Using a Jetson Nano will require us to buy some form of internet adapter, which seems like it will use another ~$15-30 of budget for a relatively cheap adapter. It also changes our overall proposed product cost requirement from <$100 to around $180-200 in the current market (i.e., post pandemic), but since our primary hardware is coming from inventory this will have minimal impact on our $600 project budget. Speaker requirements may also change (or be scrapped altogether), but this is tbd as it’s lower on our list of priorities. The reason for this change is because the ML requires greater computational power than an RPi has, and a Jetson seems like an easier/safer option than trying to run the ML on the server.

  1. Schedule Changes

Everyone will be devoting a lot of time this week to learning the Jetson Nano system. In particular, we must figure out the general setup, how to connect it to the internet, and potentially look into how to connect it to a speaker. This puts us a bit behind on what we had hoped for in terms of starting to integrate our pieces with the hardware/each other, but if we can get the basics figured out this week then we should be on track to flesh it out more fully next week, and begin testing shortly thereafter.

Team Status Report 3/18/2023

  • Risks and mitigation

At this point, our primary risk relates to the ML, and our ability to run that. Since this will be the most computationally intensive part of our project, making sure that we have enough power to run that algorithm has been our main concern, so that we achieve the time requirements we set out for ourselves. At this point, we are experimenting with/considering 3 different methods to run our ML: 1. Running identification on the pi. This seems the riskiest, and is something we hope to firmly rule in/out by the end of this weekend or beginning of next week. 2. Running identification on the web server, i.e. completely off of the hardware. This is generally the largest unknown, and so it is something we will be doing much more research on in the next few days, but it would have the advantage of significantly reducing the complexity of what’s running on our hardware (and allow us to drive the theoretical consumer cost down even further). 3. Running identification on a Jetson Nano. This is the ‘safest option’, and so it is something that we intend to be prepared for by getting a Jetson from inventory ASAP and trying to learn its setup. However it also adds a bit of cost to the project, as well as a significant amount of theoretical consumer cost, which is why we still intend to look into options 1 and 2. We hope that looking into multiple options will allow us to mitigate the potential risk that one or several of the options proves infeasible. The primary work required to evaluate each involves setting up the platforms and having an operational CNN. 

  • Project Changes

We are considering where to run the ML, as detailed above. If we find that we can run it on the Pi, then this wouldn’t be a change. If we end up running it on the server, we will need to change the general structure of how the pi communicates with the web app, but otherwise this shouldn’t be a large change to the project as a whole. If we find that our only choice is to run it on a Jetson, this will be the largest change to the project – we can get a Nano from inventory without needing to use our budget, but would probably also have to acquire a wifi adapter of some sort, which would require a bit of budget. The current impact of the changes we are considering would mostly affect communication (if we intend to host an instance of the ML separate from the hardware) and obviously our hardware.

  • Schedule Changes

Trying to get the CV/ML code to run on hardware was always scheduled for this week, so this should stay as intended. There will be additional research needed at the beginning of this week to hopefully narrow down the feasibility. We also intend to acquire a Nano to experiment with ASAP. 

Team Status Report for 3/4/2023

As per usual in the weekly reports, we would say that our biggest risks at the moment pertain to the hardware. The most imminent risk is that we have yet to really dive into trying to set up the rPi (other than reading internet tutorials/projects). As none of us have used an rPi before, there is the chance that this will not go smoothly. Our plan to mitigate this risk is to begin working with the rPi early this week (i.e. trying to run tutorial code), and if we are unable to accomplish what we need with it by the end of the week, we will reach out to course staff. The other, broader hardware risk is that we will find an rPi’s computational abilities insufficient for our project. Again, the plan to mitigate this risk is to begin trying out our algorithms on the rPi sooner rather than later, hopefully starting the week after next (3/20). If we find that it runs infeasibly slow on the rPi, our contingency plan is use a Jetson Nano.

At the moment, no major changes have been made to the existing design. We are considering acquiring a more secure domain for our web app, which would cost around $15, but otherwise shouldn’t affect the implementation or functionality of the project.

Our schedule has not changed at this time.

In terms of tools that we will need to learn for our project, nothing super new or unexpected has cropped up beyond what we’ve been assuming since the beginning of the project. We will all need to learn how to work with the rPi, including how to set up an Apache server to communicate with our web app. Rebecca will be learning how to work with OpenCV beyond what she’s previously done for classes, Max will be learning about working with Inception-v4, and Brandon will be learning more about Django and React.

Team Report For 2/25/2023

Our biggest risks at the moment are still pertaining to technology use. Specifically, we’ll need to learn a system that none of us have worked with before. And, we’re still slightly uncertain as to whether an rPi will have sufficient computational power for what we need. However at this point, I think the next move will simply be to commit to trying it out, as this is the hardware that we’d prefer for the project (over a more specialized but also more expensive piece of hardware like a Jetson).

The only change to the project that we’re considering at this point is to include a speaker with the system, and the option for the user to request to play a deterrent sound (e.g. dog whistle). This is because, as a use case, we think that reporting bad behavior would also be more useful if there was a way to discourage said behavior, especially if the animal is doing something potentially dangerous. Otherwise, the user will know that something is happening but be completely unable to stop it, which seems unideal. In terms of added costs, this would require us to also include a small and inexpensive speaker to interface with the raspberry pi – probably something we can get from the inventory.

Regarding our schedule, as there has still been some debate going on about whether an rPi would be sufficient for our needs, this hardware hasn’t been requested from inventory yet, which we had been hoping to do by the end of this past week. However, this should not be a major setback, as everything we are doing is in software and can still be developed separately from the rPi. The intention is to get the rPi before spring break, and potentially use that time to catch up on figuring out rPi 101 if we don’t have enough time to do so prior to break. For the web application side, Brandon will be pushing back tasks a week due to other work commitments and technical issues he has been having with his computer. He hopes to work on it this week making sure our ideas on implementing users choosing forbidden zones actually work, which we believe is a core task of the project that should be tested before spring break.

Regarding major achievements, on the Web Application side, Brandon has set up React integrated with Django. He had no experience with Axios and the Django REST framework, which are tools to send data between React and Django, so he took a few hours to learn how to use them. After learning these tools, he implemented allowing the user to upload images for pet classification.

Regarding any adjustments to team work assignment, the potential addition of the speaker will require Brandon to figure out how to communicate a ‘send sound request’ through the web app to the rPi. In terms of receiving that on the rPi side (and figuring out how to incorporate an rPi with a speaker), Rebecca and/or Max will be primarily responsible. 

Team Status Report for 2/18/2023

Regarding risks, at this point our most significant risks still lie with the technology. Although we’ve been able to find internet tutorials that seem fairly adaptable to our project, this doesn’t change the fact that none of us have worked with a Raspberry Pi before, and so we cannot be certain how that will go until we get our hands on it and start trying. Note: we’re planning to request the part(s) from inventory early this coming week. In terms of managing these risks, we’ve done all we can to find relevant supporting materials online. And, should things not go well, the contingency plan would be  to reach out to course staff (TAs or faculty) sooner rather than later. 

Regarding design changes, at our faculty meeting this week the possibility of using a NVIDIA Jetson was discussed. However, after some team discussion we are still planning to move forward with a Raspberry Pi, as the Jetson is considerably more expensive and definitely outside the consumer price point we’re seeking with this project. We expect that this may cause issues with latency – the ML and CV will definitely not be running with the best possible frame rate – but it is our belief that we can still get the project suitably functional on this hardware. 

Regarding scheduling, at this point, no major schedule changes have occurred. This week has been about finishing up figuring out the details of how our implementation will work. Next week we plan to acquire the hardware and start working on more of the implementation itself. 

Regarding principles of engineering, science, and math:  One key consideration this week was price point. We want to engineer something that accomplishes our goal while remaining affordable. This is what informed our decision regarding our hardware, and pushed us towards using a Raspberry Pi over other more expensive alternatives. With regards to the ML classification, we have decided to implement a convolutional neural network. Neural networks are extremely common in image and speech recognition, and convolutional neural networks are particularly suited to image recognition due to their convolutional layer, a computation that reduces the dimensionality of image analysis without losing data. With the computer vision aspect, the aim is to reduce the ML workload by using simple pixel differences to identify when a moving component enters the frame, sending only that section to be identified only once, and then keeping track of it through the frame via OpenCV functionality after identification has been made. It is our hope that this will be more efficient than trying to run ML identification on every single frame. Information from the Raspberry Pi regarding movement summary and zone notifications will be sent to the user via a web application. With regards to web application development, we plan to use React on the frontend to display user options such as choosing forbidden zones for a pet, which will be implemented using a grid system overtop an image of the home, or request pet activity logs, which is done by organizing the data given by the Raspberry Pi into a heat map or time-sensitive graph, and use Django on the backend to store data related to these user options for each pet. One concern for the web application is privacy as live video feeds of homes can be displayed if requested by the user on the website, which we will address using the security protection features given by Django.

Team Status Report for 2/11/2023

Regarding current risks, none of us have used a Raspberry Pi, and that is a primary piece of hardware in our current implementation. If we move to a solution that implements a Raspberry Pi alongside an FPGA, this may mitigate risks due to the lack of familiarity as we will be using the Raspberry Pi only for communication between the FPGA and the web application. However, there would be new challenges with figuring out how to incorporate the FPGA, specifically the best way to transfer data in and out of it and how to implement a neural network within the FPGA to speed up ML identification.

Regarding changes to our design, we are looking into the use of an FPGA as our main piece of computational hardware paired with another piece of hardware (currently a Raspberry Pi) for communication with the web application. If a 2-piece solution is used it will be more expensive but will significantly increase the computational power, decreasing video buffers and lowering time to classification and notification. This is of particular interest to us because Rebecca has experience working with FPGAs so a solution using an FPGA would allow us to fully utilize these skills. If this is not feasible, either due to cost or implementation complexity, then we can move back to our original plan using only a Raspberry Pi. Although with regards to cost, it is our belief that were this product to actually be marketed, the FPGA would be replaced with a bulk-manufactured digital chip which should cut consumer costs substantially. The FPGA is simply a much more convenient and flexible way to prototype the initial design. We have also specified more parts of our block diagram for the frontend and backend of the web application, as seen in Brandon’s individual report for this week.

Regarding any schedule change, because our current tasks center around researching different implementations for our final design implementation, there are no major changes to our schedule.

Regarding ethics, our project primarily includes considerations for inclusivity and personal privacy. There is a huge variety of homes that have pets, so one of our priorities is trying to keep our product as inclusive as possible with regards to price and ease of use. And personal privacy is of course something that we’re concerned about preserving, as our project requires setting up a camera in one’s home, so we want to minimize the amount of personal information that our system could potentially make more vulnerable.