This has not been my most productive week to date, as I tend to spend a lot of time working on Saturday, but was quite busy today with personal business – most of my work time will be offloaded to Sunday, but thus I don’t have major progress to report in this blog. However, I’m content with the status of my portion. There’s one small bug I’m still trying to work out in the CV code, where sometimes when multiple bounding boxes overlap, the smaller bounding box is favored. Other than resolving this, I would say that the tracking and motion detection are working exactly as I had planned. I had hoped to post a video, but my computer kept crashing when I tried to edit the video and I didn’t have time before midnight to figure that out. Perhaps I will edit to add this later. Other than some tweaking of the core CV code, I have spent this week preparing to start integration for the interim demo. Specifically, I’ve written rough drafts of code for where the CV will connect to other pieces (i.e. forbidden zones and tracking activity), and done a bit of research into how we will go about connecting the web app to the CV when they’re hosted on two separate computers (likely sockets).
Other than that one last stubborn little bug, I would say that the core CV is done, which is nice and on schedule. However, we are moderately behind on really being able to dive into integration, including as it relates to the CV. The plan to remedy this is that 1) it will be our primary focus from here on out and 2) we will begin meeting in person, starting tomorrow.
In the next week, it will be full steam ahead on integration. First and foremost, the goal will be to get the CV communicating with the Web App for the interim demo on Wednesday. Depending on how Max is doing, we may try to incorporate the ML as well, though likely still keeping strictly on laptops for the time being. In the latter half of the week (once we can hopefully establish exactly how we will be moving forward with the project), I should be able to turn my focus back to the hardware we’ll be using, as this has slightly fallen on the back burner due to the uncertainty around our project.