Risks and Mitigation:
We may have a hard time getting a reasonable frame rate on our live video stream, if we cannot find an efficient enough way to send these images. We plan to get it as fast as possible by compressing the data as much as is reasonable, and feel that a somewhat choppy frame rate (few frames a second) would still be acceptable to the project – the most important thing is that the user would be able to get an idea of what their pet is up to. We are still in the fairly early stages of trying to get this feature up and running, so the exact frame rate that we’ll be looking at is still very TBD.
We haven’t had a chance to hook the camera up to the RPi yet (ideally this will be tested by the end of the weekend) so there’s still a risk of mechanical failure with that. We will reach out ASAP if we are unable to troubleshoot the issue, and if it ends up being a flaw with the camera itself, we will order a new one if needed before the end of the week. (The backup backup if it all goes up in flames would be for the ‘final’ version of the project to remain on laptops).
Project Changes:
There aren’t really any changes from the last status report. We will still proceed with a more separated project as we will integrate CV and Web App with an RPi for the primary hardware. Max will work with the Jetson for the ML side. There will be no changes in cost as the materials come from the ECE inventory.
Schedule Changes:
We will be planning to do heavier integration – particularly, including the RPi – with more realistic testing in the upcoming days, and we hope to get tasks done for each remaining system of the project individually during this week. This should put us on track for the final demo.