Between now and last post, I’ve spent much of my time for this class working with Brandon to integrate the CV & Web App portions. We’ve more or less finished heat maps and zone notifications, using requests as our form of communication. We’ve also begun work on getting a live video feed working, although that isn’t fully there yet. Outside of this, I’ve also begun working on the final presentation, and I have spent a bit of time working with extremely simple examples for the Raspberry Pi.
I am slightly behind where I had hoped to be with the RPi at this point, mostly since I would like to prove that it works with the camera and simple CV code before starting to try to integrate with that. I hope to accomplish this by the end of this weekend, which would put us on track to start including the RPi at the beginning-middle of this week.
In the coming week, I intend to 1) spend more time on the final presentation; 2) work on getting the system working on the RPi rather than laptop(s); 3) work with Brandon to get live video feed up and running. Any time left at the end of the week will hopefully be dedicated to running fuller/more situationally correct tests on the integrated system.