The beginning of this week was a lot of time spent starting to integrate between CV and the Web App. Brandon and I worked to find a communication protocol (currently using sockets, later switching to requests) that would enable our pieces to send info, then got the notification pipeline working pretty much in full, though on a limited scale. We are now able to send an image from the camera to the web app, choose forbidden zones on that image, and relay that info back to the CV tracking. When an overlap into the forbidden zone is detected, a notification is sent back to the web app. Starting next week, we will be working on refining the communication (switching to requests) and getting activity logs roughly operational. After this, we should hopefully be able to flesh out the full functionality! I also aim to spend a bit of time tonight working with the RPi, so that hopefully we can get the project running on this platform around the end of next week or slightly thereafter.
With regards to our updated schedule, my progress is in line with what we have planned.
As already slightly mentioned above, the goals for next week will be to accomplish much more integration between the CV and Web App – change to using requests as our more official communication method, and get activity logs roughly working. If we have spare time, we may also begin to look into what it would take to send live video feed. Individually, I also hope to be able to run my tracking code on the RPi (the version without web app integration) by the end of the week (i.e. before Carnival).