The CV code is pretty much done. All that is left is a bit more tweaking/debugging, and of course integration with the ML (which will be more so a team activity, so that will happen when Max is ready).
My progress with regards to the CV is pretty much on track, other than the little bit of tweaking I’d still like to do. However we are fairly behind on learning to work with the hardware, so that will be almost entirely the focus for this upcoming week. I plan to work on basic set-up for the Jetson, and hopefully we can accomplish enough this week to be back on schedule for fuller integration next week.
In the next week, I intend to focus on setting up the Jetson. I have found a nice step by step for general set up the developer kit which I hope will be doable with minimal struggles. I aspire to start on this early in the week (whenever we get the Jetson), so that we can discuss any major issues in mandatory lab on Wednesday. I also intend to finish the refinements on the CV, hopefully tonight or tomorrow. Then in the later part of the week, we can look at hooking up the camera with the Jetson.