This week I worked on creating the frontend and backend of a user designating the forbidden zone for a pet. I learned how to use state and props in React so that I could keep track of the state of each forbidden zone cell. For my forbidden zone example, I created a 10×10 grid (sizing will most likely be changed), and I keep track of the position in the x and y directions and if a user has clicked the cell (which represents a forbidden spot or not). Once a user submits their forbidden zone data, then it sent to the database that is managed by the Django REST framework. A picture of the frontend for the forbidden zone task is shown below.
I was hoping to looking into how to display a frontend for the pet activity logs using the heat map library described from last week, so I am currently behind. I hope to do this for next week and make sure everything is stable for the interim demo.
Like I mentioned above, I hope to create a frontend for displaying pet activity logs using a heat map. As well, I hope to make sure everything I currently have is working for the interim demo, and work on integrate some parts of my web application with other parts of the project.