Aside from working on the ethics assignment, I’ve spent this week working on basic RPi setup and the mostly fleshed out CV algorithm. Basic RPi setup seems to have been successful, but I have yet to run it on CV-ish examples as we have yet to get a camera for the RPi, unfortunately. I have most of a ‘rough draft’ for the CV algorithm for our project, but am still debugging and filling in a couple blanks – mostly where different pieces (i.e. motion detection versus tracking versus overlap) meet up. I hope to have a full working draft by the end of tomorrow (Sunday 3/19).
My progress is slightly behind – I haven’t been able to work with Pi as fully as I had hoped by this point due to lacking a bit of necessary hardware, and the draft for the overall CV isn’t quite complete. However, if I can finish the CV draft by tomorrow this will put me at a good point. With regards to the Pi, it’s likely that we’ll go ahead with the testing we had hoped for this week regardless, so barring any significant problems that arise when we try to do this, that should also put me back on track for working with the hardware. We also intend to explore other routes for running the ML, so it’s likely that I’ll be doing additional work this week researching/experimenting with those.
In the next week, I plan to have a fully working draft of the CV portion that I can run on my laptop (by early in the week, so I can use the latter half of the week to refine it a bit). I also hope that we will be able to begin some integration testing of the ML algorithm on the Pi or other platforms, though this will also depend on where my team mates are at.