During this week, I spent most of my time working on the design review document with my team. For example, we figured out the details for the testing, verification, and validation as this was one of the points that wasn’t fully addressed in the presentation. As well, I fixed the block diagram for the web application side so that it aligns more with what a block diagram should look like. In addition, I added a flow diagram of the user experience on the web application into the design review document. I have looked into how I can allow users to choose forbidden zones on the web application, but I have not implemented this yet.
I am currently behind schedule, but I will hope to make up the task of implementing the frontend and backend for a user choosing forbidden zones this week.
I hope to fully implement choosing forbidden zones on the frontend and storing this data on the backend. As well, I hope to start looking at how to display pet activity logs on the frontend using data that would be given by the Raspberry Pi.