Anju Ito’s Status Report for 2/11/23

  • Searched for FPGA/microcontroller options that were available for purchase
    • Found out that FPGA chip on a custom PCB would most likely be a difficult option. I was restricting the search to Altera chips (and non-BGA if possible), and found that most chips were out-of-stock or too old so that any recent version of Quartus does not support this.
      • The search was restricted to Altera due to my prior experience in 341/240.
    • Looked into a microcontroller that would have UART/SPI, that would enable communication from the FTDI (USB-UART chip) to the lasers. Filled out a purchase form for a MSP430 Launchpad. Estimated day of delivery was Monday if it were ordered yesterday.
      • KJ and I both have experience using MSP430 in the past, which is why we narrowed down the search to this.
      • We decided to get a dev board to test out its capability so we can make sure that it can support at least the 4Mbps communication to meet requirements.
  • Work is on schedule, although the unavailability of FPGA chips were unexpected and I would need to iron out the plan of handling the communication.
  • By next week, I hope to come up with a way to validate whether the microcontroller and FPGA dev board can support the communication requirements, and choose which design to proceed with based on this.

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