This week I’ve successfully installed and tested the Bluetooth module on Raspberry Pi. It’s able to act as a Bluetooth client or a server. However, I’m still struggling to get the Bluetooth module to work on windows PC. The program will have OS errors only when calling certain functions. I’ve spent a significant amount of time following the solutions online, including installing Windows 10 SDK and installing build tools from Visual Studio to compile C++ code, but the error still exists for now. Some progress is made when testing with the controller emulator as the Xbox tester program can accurately detect the emulator’s input from the tester program as shown below. (Couldn’t upload images for some reason)
Next week, the primary focus will still be making sure the Bluetooth connection can be established. I’ve just found another solution that simply uses the socket library with Python 3.9+ on Windows 10 to establish a Bluetooth connection. There are only a few discussions about it online but still worth a try. The next step will be talking with Xiao and Qiaoan so we can agree on the data format to be sent between RPi and PC. My initial plan is to use json. I’m still a little behind the schedule due to the problems with bluetooth package on PC. I will catch up as much as possible to make sure the Pi can control the game on PC before interim demo.