Author: ntetteh

Team Status Report for 4/22

Team Status Report for 4/22

The most significant risk that could jeopardize the success of the project currently are the accuracy of our wait time algorithm and how to transfer the data from our Jetson to our database SQLite. Now that Nii has almost finished his duties, he will be 

Nii-Okaitey’s Status Report for 4/22

Nii-Okaitey’s Status Report for 4/22

This week I was able to finally download all the packages with compatible version types to allow the jetson to run our Computer Vision code. The jetson now successfully runs our base current YOLO algorithm: Additionally, I was able to integrate the webcam into the 

Nii-Okaitey’s Status Report for 4/1

Nii-Okaitey’s Status Report for 4/1

This week I was finally able to figure out why our Jetson was not working. It turned out to be an issue with the board, which I was able to figure out after trying another group’s (A5) board. With a new working board, I was able to begin working on my responsibilities. As the interim demo is coming up next week, I knew it would not be possible to make up the 2 weeks I lost debugging the boot up problem. Instead I spent this week focusing on how I can get the board into a position to show the proof of concept. This set my goals for the week at getting the Jetson connected to the internet, getting it to send a message across the internet to our database, and then having it recognize a camera. The wireless wifi router did not seem to be working with the board, so I began using the backup ethernet cable we ordered. I first tried to use the HDMI display mode with just the board and an ethernet port located in HH1305, but the jetson still did not show any internet connectivity. I then tried using the ethernet cable with my laptop and ssh’ing into the board, but there are still signs of the jetson not connecting to internet (the command “ping google” does not return anything.

Currently, my progress is still behind schedule due to the faulty Jetson issue. I am trying to catch up by completing multiple steps in one week, but I will likely have to spend some of our verification and validation time getting the hardware to a satisfactory point for the project.

For deliverables, I hope to have the a board with internet access that can recognize a camera, and send basic messages over the network to our database.

Nii-Okaitey’s Status Report for 3/25

Nii-Okaitey’s Status Report for 3/25

This week was challenging for the Jetson board. The majority of this week was spent debugging the boot up of our board, with it continuing to hang on the NVIDIA logo screen upon starting up. For debugging I’ve been reading a lot of forums online, 

Team Status Report for 3/18

Team Status Report for 3/18

The most significant risks which could jeopardize the success of our project thus far are a lack of integration of parts too late in the semester. Currently we are all developing our parts individually, but bringing it all together is what is most important for 

Nii-Okaitey’s Status Report for 3/18

Nii-Okaitey’s Status Report for 3/18

This week I received the rest of the parts I ordered before break. Now that I have all the hardware components, I began setting up the Jetson. I got the OS working on the Jetson, and cloned our github repo onto the board. Additionally, I began integrating the camera module. Using the CSI-camera repo, I was able to get the camera working and some face recognition working. Now we should be able to change what CV algorithm we use while still having access to the camera feed. Additionally, I also completed the Ethics Assignment which we were assigned this week.

According to our schedule, my progress is behind. I had planned to have these parts before spring break so I could complete these steps before we got back, but instead I had to complete them now, however, the tasks I completed this week were supposed to be spread out over the past 2 weeks, so completing them in one week has helped get back on schedule a lot. To completely get back on schedule I will have to both research how to use wifi with the Jetson and begin implementing the JSON networking, which should be doable for this week. These are the deliverables I hope to complete for next week.

Nii-Okaitey’s Status Report for 2/25/23

Nii-Okaitey’s Status Report for 2/25/23

This week I received the Jetson Nano 2GB and the Sainsmart IMX129 camera module that I requested from the course list. However, upon receiving the box, I realized the box did not have a power cord or SD card to boot up the OS, so 

Nii-Okaitey’s Status Report for 2/18/23

Nii-Okaitey’s Status Report for 2/18/23

This week I worked on revising our hardware plan for our project. After speaking with course staff, it seems given our application that an FPGA may not be the best solution for us. Previous projects that performed similar functions to ours utilized an actual embedded 

Team Status Report for 2/11/23

Team Status Report for 2/11/23

The most significant risks that could jeopardize the success of the project are us not having our design flow fleshed out before the design review. This is why this week we focused on sub portions of each of our tasks. By doing this, when we integrate all our design elements together the system should be more fleshed out than before. This also helps us with contingency plans. Now that each of us are getting a better grasp of the inner implementations of our parts, we can all start thinking of contingency plans specific to our implementations.

No changes were made to the existing design of the system.

Our project includes considerations for health and welfare. The issue goes beyond academia – in a capitalistic system where productivity is often maximised at all costs, including compromising on workers’ health and wellbeing – giving people the ability to make informed choices about eating is an important undertaking. Studies have indicated that for a lot of young people, college years are when they begin struggling with eating disorders. Busy schedules and disordered eating can be a contributing factor. And by being able to see what options they have in the time they have to eat could potentially help mitigate that.

Nii-Okaitey’s Status Report for 2/11/23

Nii-Okaitey’s Status Report for 2/11/23

This week I researched into USB cameras which can be used. Upon researching online it looks like we will need a camera which can work wit Linux in order to have it with with OpenCV. Additionally, I did not want to spend more than $100