Team Status Report for 04/01

The most significant risks that could jeopardize the success of the project is probably the hardware component because we received the Jetson Nano so close to the interim demo and was experiencing trouble setting it up in the beginning of the week (this problem has been resolved as of now and we’ve been working on next steps). Integrating the system is another challenge we are experiencing due to the shipping delay of the Jetson Nano. We also experienced technical issues with the Jetson Nano and had to replace it early in the week (luckily another group had a board they didn’t use and was very kind to give it to us). However, our team member has been working very hard to speed up his progress due to this unforeseen circumstance. Our members have also been taking aside time to learn about incorporating SQLite database into our system, specifically about the data transfer process between the Jetson Nano and the website server. Even though these risks are somewhat concerning, our team members have been making good progress towards solving these problems. We also know people who have been working on these components and we would reach out to them if these problems continue to be unresolved.

Another update: Our team members have figured out how to set up the camera and Jetson Nano and tested them with a face detection module which worked well with those hardware components. All we have to do left after the interim demo is to connect these components together as we already have working pieces.
There were no changes in our design as everything was very well thought out and hence no additional cost was incurred.
We have updated our schedule here as required for interim demo.

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