Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report for 04/1

This week, I continued to tweak the CSS of the web app and attempted to test the AJAX functioning. I simplified some of the more dynamic UI elements and made them static – instead of a carousel of cards to choose dining halls, there will be static cards with brief information about the dining hall and their hours. In the next week, I will add a feature such that the cards will indicate whether the dining hall is open and sort the open halls from the closed ones automatically – it’s a somewhat tangential feature for our use case but would add to the overall experience of reducing time to make decisions on where to eat. I’m still trying to debug the barometric needle – it’s hard to rest it without actual live update times. I might decide to not showcase it during our demo if there isn’t enough time to fix it. The issue is that because we are struggling due to integrating our system (faulty hardware parts meant we fell behind the schedule as a group), it’s difficult to test the elements to see if they are working as they should. We will be testing the entire system again tomorrow after some tweaks to check if the AJAX implementation is working.

On my end, I’m still on schedule – the barometric needle’s angles have been causing issues so I will continue working on fixing it – but besides that I can proceed with app performance tests assuming the system is integrated well beforehand.

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