Nii-Okaitey’s Status Report for 3/18

This week I received the rest of the parts I ordered before break. Now that I have all the hardware components, I began setting up the Jetson. I got the OS working on the Jetson, and cloned our github repo onto the board. Additionally, I began integrating the camera module. Using the CSI-camera repo, I was able to get the camera working and some face recognition working. Now we should be able to change what CV algorithm we use while still having access to the camera feed. Additionally, I also completed the Ethics Assignment which we were assigned this week.

According to our schedule, my progress is behind. I had planned to have these parts before spring break so I could complete these steps before we got back, but instead I had to complete them now, however, the tasks I completed this week were supposed to be spread out over the past 2 weeks, so completing them in one week has helped get back on schedule a lot. To completely get back on schedule I will have to both research how to use wifi with the Jetson and begin implementing the JSON networking, which should be doable for this week. These are the deliverables I hope to complete for next week.

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