Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report for 03/18/2023

This week, I continued implementing the UI while simultaneously working on AJAX with some dummy hardcoded data. The login page and registration page have been implemented without OAuth and only using Django’s authentication package for now – I’m a little unfamiliar with implementing OAuth so the first priority is to get the registration and login working and then introducing OAuth that will enable users to login using their Google accounts at a later time after implementing most other UI features. The rough mockup of our updated UI is attached below.

The left half that displays the time of arrival has been implemented. However, the barometric needle on the right side has been a challenge to implement due to the complexities of the angle of the needle which has to change with dynamic data (which we do not have, at the moment), and I’m currently working on it. I’m still on schedule, it’s just that I’m working on both UI and AJAX simultaneously so I should be able to finish both by the end of the AJAX implementation part of the schedule.

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