Chi Nguyen’s Status Report for 03/11/2023

The week was mainly spent on writing the design review report as there was a lot to be done. I also spent time on fixing the bugs and fine tuning the YOLOv7 code so that it works to our needs. Since we haven’t been able to set up the camera in public and capture footage at an on-campus dining location, I’ve been testing the code on a random set of images that I found online on CMU website through Google Colab. All code and current outputs can be found here on github. Google Colab is very similar to Replit so basically all of my code should work well on Replit. For now, I’m testing my code out with Google Colab because I’m more familiar with it and it’s convenient as I have all of the files I need on Google Drive. I also learned and used Roboflow to create labels for my training data.

The next step is to gather a small set of data from La Prima so that I can do more testing on this.
Right now, I’m on schedule because I’m currently working on writing the code for wait time calculation. It’s essential that I collect more data this week so that I can work on the code while using the actual dataset. By the end of next week, my goal is to have the code mostly finished and work well on datasets I will be able to gather by then.

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