Likhitha Chintareddy’s Status Report for 02/25/2023

This week, I set up the Django project and the Github repo for version control: While we had initially thought of using MongoDB Atlas to store video data, we have come up with a simpler solution on the backend side that involves storing the boundary boxes without having to store any video data in an attempt to take privacy issues into considerations. So we will instead be using SQLite for our application, which is the database I’m most comfortable with anyway due to previous experience in 17-437 where we developed two different applications with SQLite as the database, and also the prototype app I built for my research project in HCI.

This also means a change in my initial plans for the UI, which involved using the live video data to visually represent wait time. However, as we will not be storing live video feed anymore, considering that we will be using a simpler database like SQLite, it makes more sense to graphically represent the wait time. Our Figma prototype is being updated to represent that: These changes do not cost me anything except that I’m still thinking about how to best represent the wait time visually, and this is an iterative process so several revisions will be made to the design as we test it out, but the other pages like the login and landing pages have been designed, and I am currently working on the HTML and CSS code for these pages, which keeps on schedule at the moment.

In the next week, I hope to have the login and landing pages UI and implementation completed and demonstrable locally, along with any other pages I might add along the way.

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