Nii-Okaitey’s Status Report for 2/18/23

This week I worked on revising our hardware plan for our project. After speaking with course staff, it seems given our application that an FPGA may not be the best solution for us. Previous projects that performed similar functions to ours utilized an actual embedded computer focused on AI acceleration. Specifically, they used the Jetson Nano. I have never  used this board before, so before we get too far into implementation I wanted to familiarize myself with some of the board set up. I watched some YouTube videos about the setup of the Jetson Nano, as well as some example projects to get a feel for how programs are ran on this board. Here are the videos I watched:

Additionally, because we are using a Jetson Nano instead of an FPGA, the way we had hardware sending its information to the web application also had to change. Thus, after researching past CV applications, it looked like a common way of sending information from the board to the web application is through JSON over wifi. I have never done any JSON applications either so I watched an introductory video to get some basics:

Currently I am still on schedule. I requested both the board and the cameras we are planning to use from the course list, so hopefully I can receive them next week and begin setting things up.

That being said, as the design review is this week, I hope to receive some final feedback on our design approach, and start implementing it this week. Specifically, I would like to have the board initialized by the end of this week.

ECE courses that cover the engineering science and mathematics principles that we used to develop our design: 18-349 Introduction to Embedded Systems

The second principle would be writing JSON scripts, and I began learning this principle through the video listed above.

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