Team Status Report for 4/29

A significant risk is that the ML architecture, upon retraining, will not reach an F1 score of .7. However, last time we added the data, the F1 score jumped by .17. Our current best F1 score is .5, so we hope at the very least we can get an F1 score of .67. Another risk is that the hardware doesn’t integrate with the RPi well. However, the temperature sensor is fully integrated. The speaker is on its way to integration, and the GPS sensor is integrated.

No changes were made to the system design. By narrowing our application to the demo, instead of calculating when a radar frame should have inference performed on it using the IMU sensor data, we will instead use a key press to start inference. This has no impact on the cost.

Here is Ayesha and I testing the temperature sensor connected to the RPi. We used a hairdryer to increase the temperature and see the ambient temperature and temperature sensor reading increase accordingly.

Testing Details:

  • Machine learning architecture: We unit tested on 600 held-out test samples (collected of diverse scenes and roughly half humans and half no human scenes) measuring resulting F1 score and accuracy. Also, we recorded the inference time of the network.
  • Hardware
    • Temperature sensor: We have connected it to the RPi and seen the output of the sensor. By comparing the room temperature readings of the temperature sensor readings and the ambient thermometer readings, we saw that the temperature sensor was working at baseline. By using the hairdryer we saw both the temperature on the temperature sensor and ambient thermometer increase.
    • Radar: We tested real-time data acquisition at 5Hz on the laptop and connected it to the RPi, but have not tested real-time data acquisition over WiFi yet.
    • GPS/IMU sensor: We connected it to the RPi and logged 4927 locations and compared them to the actual stationary location. The location data is precise enough for our updated use case, with a standard deviation of 1.5m, but the location is way off by 20 miles, requiring compensation to output an acceptable location.
  • Web application: We have measured that the website updates in ~100 ms. Through HTTP requests, we also found that the web application is able to received formatted data.


  • The GPS is currently ~20 miles off, so we may need to apply an offset to get accurate readings from the sensor.

Angie’s Status Report for 4/1

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project?

This week, I tested integration of the Raspberry Pi with the radar and using the OpenRadar project code to stream data from the green board without using Texas Instruments’ mmwave studio which is only available on Windows.

Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will betaken to catch up to the project schedule?

Schedule is behind because we met to collect data containing all of us but were not able to collect the data since the AWR1642 could not connect. After swapping out with the AWR1843, we will collect data on Sunday.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

  • Interim demo of real-time data collection
  • Test sending data to web app via wifi
  • Test sending alert to web app that system is not stationary or is too hot, based on IMU and temperature data

Ayesha’s Status Report for 2/25

This week I worked mostly on continuing to set up a base for the web application. I created a Django app for our site and created some basic HTML and CSS files to set up a login page. This week, I focused more on laying out each page and outlining what needs to be done for each one, such as a login page, a map tracker page, a photo page, etc. I am also working more on deciding how I want the user experience to be in terms of website flow, such as what should be automatically loaded/redirected and what the user should have to navigate to themselves based on what they want. Next week, I will work more on implementing the actual functionalities for each page. In addition to this, I have also been working on the design review report. I have been specifically been working on the architecture, design requirements, design trade studies, testing, and project management sections. For the first four, I have been focusing on the front end and the specific implementation and design details for the web app. For the project management section, I am focusing on how we are all splitting up our work and the timelines.


My progress is on schedule. Next week I plan to request a purchase for the Google Maps API and have a base site set up so that I can work on marker functionality and style tweaks. My goal is to have all of that done by the time my teammates are ready to integrate so that I don’t have to work on both the marker functionality and the integration in parallel.