What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files orphotos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficienteffort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours)

This week I worked on four main things. I worked on the ethics assignment and evaluated different features that could be added into our project. I also communicated with many different people about how to get reimbursed for the google maps API and looked into that. This took a really long time because I had a lot of back and forth with people, and I also was later told that I could not pursue a lot of the options I was looking into. This was what I had spend majority of my time on. The third thing I worked on was looking into HERE Maps API which the professors suggested to me. After compiling a bunch of resources that could be useful for HERE, I made my free account. Throughout all of this, I also worked on making tweaks to the layout of the site. Specifically, I set up exactly what sections I would want to display map images or information so that I could have everything formatted perfectly once I start using the API and not have to waste time readjusting that.

Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will betaken to catch up to the project schedule?

I am less behind than I was last week since I was finally able to resolve the payment issues for the API. By next week, I should be able to be completely caught up by implementing the API basics and testing map functionality.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

In the next week, I will incorporate the API and test the marker functionality. This is the main deliverable I want to complete to understand how to API works and get familiar with adding markers, since this will be the main function I have to use when I receive the GPS data.


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