I have helped put together the design review report for its submission deadline and have continued working on the machine learning architecture. For the report, I wrote more general sections like the abstract, introduction, use case requirements, and related work. Much of this was expanding upon our presentation, but I carefully examine the requirements and made sure to hit all the discussion points and reviewed all these sections with my teammates. Additionally, in the other sections, I wrote material pertaining to the machine learning architecture. Again, I built off of the presentation. I did have to organize which of my references pertained to which parts of the architecture and really understand exactly how my part is integrating with Angie’s and Ayesha’s. I also drew out a whole system diagram for the report. For the machine learning architecture, with Angie’s help I labeled each data piece, so that they all have targets. Therefore, I was able to generate train and test sets. I started testing the architecture that I had written out with the training data, but I am working through dimension errors. This will take some shape examination but hopefully shouldn’t be that much of a barrier to further progress.
I am slightly behind, because I wanted to have the machine learning architecture fully training at this point. However, I truly took a break for spring break and will be back on track after overcoming the dimension errors.
I hope to deliver the machine learning architecture fully trained by the end of this week.