This week I worked on setting up the Github repository for my web app and reproducing some files to set up a basic web application for our site. I have set up a login/registration page based on a previous site I made, and made random pages to plan out how we want to set up our own web app. I also looked into purchasing the Google Maps API and how to integrate that into our site, with the ability to save markers. Furthermore, I worked on our design review slides. I laid out all of the information that needs to be added to each slide, including fleshing out a more thorough testing plan with specific metrics and more clearly defined outputs compared to what we had previously said. This allowed us to have a clear idea of how testing would look and what defines a passing test. This took a lot of time and research but was extremely helpful in figuring out how to narrow down our scope and what that should look like.

My progress is on schedule. Next week I plan to start changing the style of some pages and laying out specifics for our site. The week after I plan to start implementing the google maps API. I also plan to work on the design report in the upcoming weeks.

The ECE courses that covered the engineering, science, and math principles we used involved 10-301 (intro to ML) and 17-437 (web app dev). These classes were most useful because I learned a lot of important machine learning principles in 10-301 and also, I did a project in web app dev.


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