Zhichun Zhao’s report for Apr.29

This week I continued to focus on the foot sensor. I doubt that the foot sensor has a stability problem that makes it unable to report whenever pressure is applied, so I consulted the professor after the lecture. Luckily, Professor Gary gave a very helpful suggestion: I change the calculation method and soldered all components together and the data seemed to report the pressure correctly. Attached below is a screenshot of the output of the pressure sensor.

For the next week right before the demo, I will meet with my teammate to connect the foot sensor with the website. We will also test the system one last time before the demo to make sure it works properly.

Team Status Report for April.22

This week, our team prepared for the final presentation together. We build the slides, and did experiments together to determine the data that we put on the slides.

Jasmine integrated Bluetooth into the tracking page and quaternion page and worked with Sydney to properly parse the data received into usable data for the quaternion generation. Jasmine aimed to have the algorithm fully done to determine back curvature because she has also been analyzing the data patterns when a back is bent.

Sydney finished implementing and testing the Bluetooth and tested to make sure that our device works with the battery. Sydney also got the visualization partially working on the website, as Jasmine was able to help her with transferring the data between pages. For the upcoming week, Sydney is going to continue refining the visualization and testing to make sure that it matches our expectations.

Zhichun revised the physical part of the back system, tested the circuit and collected the result, and organized them into a spreadsheet. She also worked on the final presentation with the data recorded from the device. Next week, she will focus on further testing and building the feet circuit.

Zhichun Zhao’s April 22

This week, I revised the physical part of the back system. I adjusted the battery pocket size to better fit the battery cord length and height. I also sewed the physical part of the feet sensor system together. At first, I designed a strap that fit both the leg and the bottom of the feet in order to accommodate the force sensor, the battery, and the Arduino nano chip. As I discussed this idea with my teammate, we found out that this idea might not be the easiest to use for users, so we changed the design to a strap that only has to wrap around the leg and have the users put the force sensor under their sole.

For the circuit part, I tested the circuit and collected the result, and organized them into a spread sheet. The table with results will be used in the final presentation.

My group mate and I also worked on the final presentation slides. Next week, I will focus on further testing and building the feet circuit.

Jasmine Yew’s Status Report for March 25

This week I primarily worked on generating potential feedback and tips for users’ squats and deadlifts. Since we do not use databases or machine learning, I’ve decided to hardcode the feedback. I also created the profile page for our web app, in case users want to update their weight and information.  In addition, I began looking into potential ways to receive and send data to the Arduino via BLE and the web app. Currently, I am on schedule, however, I need to test the Bluetooth functions. Hopefully, by next week, I can have the Bluetooth functions fully working such that we can create the Quartenion vectors after.

Pseudocode of how we will be generating the feedback.

Sydney’s Status Report for March 11

This week I primarily worked on the Design Review Report. This was helpful in forcing me to think even more about our design. I also placed the order for our batteries as well as the fabrics we are going to put the device on this week. Outside of the design report, I wasn’t able to get much done because I am still waiting for the parts to arrive. I am starting to get pretty concerned about this.  I am not sure that we have any back up plans for if the parts take much longer to arrive. Finishing this up at the end of spring break, they are still not in, so we will begin reaching out to the appropriate resources and potentially looking at ordering from a different vendor with rush shipping on Monday. We are falling behind schedule, but this week I will work on connecting the arduinos to the web app as we don’t have the IMU’s yet, which will let us get rid of some interfacing time at the end(hopefully).

Zhichun Zhao’s Status Report for Feb. 18

This week I focused on preparing the design presentation. I communicated with my group mate to finalize a list of parts we wanted to order and submitted a request form. I also made the presentation slide and drew the block diagram. In my free time, I learn a little about flutter, which is the frame work that we plan to use for the software, but I figured out that I need help with more advanced tricks using flutter. I think I am on track and my plan for next week is to do a couple of mock presentations before going for the actual presentation, as well as continue learning about the framework for our software.