Sydney’s Status Report for April 29

This week I mainly worked on figuring out how to turn our rudimentary visualization into something much cleaner looking using THREE.js. So far , I have not had much luck, as this is an area I have little to no experience in. I was eventually able to find a good example that I think I will model my code after.

The idea being that I will represent the spine as a cylinder, then have each quaternion apply a rotation to some points on that cylinder, such that we can see the bend / movement of the spine.

I also started to assist Rachel with the bluetooth this week. Unfortunately, I was not able to accomplish much due to other final projects being due, but I am hopeful that next week I will be able to realize my visualization goal. I am a bit behind schedule, as I was hoping to have the visualization done today, but I am confident that as my schedule clears up, I will definitely be able to get it done by early next week.

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