This week I primarily worked on the Design Review Report. This was helpful in forcing me to think even more about our design. I also placed the order for our batteries as well as the fabrics we are going to put the device on this week. Outside of the design report, I wasn’t able to get much done because I am still waiting for the parts to arrive. I am starting to get pretty concerned about this. I am not sure that we have any back up plans for if the parts take much longer to arrive. Finishing this up at the end of spring break, they are still not in, so we will begin reaching out to the appropriate resources and potentially looking at ordering from a different vendor with rush shipping on Monday. We are falling behind schedule, but this week I will work on connecting the arduinos to the web app as we don’t have the IMU’s yet, which will let us get rid of some interfacing time at the end(hopefully).
Jasmine Yew’s Status Report for March 11
This week, I primarily worked on the design report and also began working on the web app after we made a decision to pivot from making a mobile app and doing a web app instead. So far, I’ve created the base layout for our log and feedback page. However, in order to complete the feedback page, I will need Rachel to finish the tracking page so I have the proper layout. In addition, this week I created the object models and forms necessary for our app to function.
Currently, I am on schedule because I already have most of my implementation of the feedback page done. However, the rest of the feedback page’s implementation does rely on the data read from the sensors and the completion of the rest of the web app. Hopefully, by next week, the sensors will have arrived so I can begin working on my algorithms. By next week, I also hope to have finished the implementation of the feedback page where I match the feedback to the exercise and also compile a list of different feedbacks we can give the user depending on how their set was.