Zhichun Zhao’s Status Report for March.25

This week, I focused on two parts. The first part is the tracking page. Since I have not been coding for websites for a year now, I did some research on tutorials that can guide me to build a timer, and I found https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49f1cjZWRJA to be a good fit for what the tracking page needs. I also follow the django guide to set up the virtual environment and downloaded the newest version of django on my laptop, as now I am prepared to implement the actual timer. I hope to get a working timer next week for the tracking page.

The second part is the physical hardware. I am planning to sew the sensors onto the wearable fabrics during the lecture time on Monday. In order to do this, I went to Techspark on Sunday and learned how to use the sewing machine in the workshop. I also learned how to sew with needle and thread for more delicate or smaller parts of the sensor. I believe my skill is prepared to satisfy my teammates’ requirements and I will be able to complete the sewing process on Monday.

Jasmine Yew’s Status Report for March 25

This week I primarily worked on generating potential feedback and tips for users’ squats and deadlifts. Since we do not use databases or machine learning, I’ve decided to hardcode the feedback. I also created the profile page for our web app, in case users want to update their weight and information.  In addition, I began looking into potential ways to receive and send data to the Arduino via BLE and the web app. Currently, I am on schedule, however, I need to test the Bluetooth functions. Hopefully, by next week, I can have the Bluetooth functions fully working such that we can create the Quartenion vectors after.

Pseudocode of how we will be generating the feedback.

Team Status Report for March 25

At this point in time, the biggest risk is that our device won’t fit nicely onto our fabrics, and that our algorithm does not work.  This is because at this point we have managed to get the IMUs working individually, as well as developing most of the individual website pages. We will be mostly on track for the interim demo once we get the sensors attached to the fabrics on Monday, as well as after we refine the bluetooth to web app connection. I don’t believe any changes were made to our system this week, we have mostly just all been working on our individual parts to get them ready for the demo in a week.  I think our goal for the interim demo will be to showcase the data collection from the back unit to the web application.

Sydney’s Status Report for March 25

This week I primarily worked on getting the IMUs working with the mux. I ran into a lot of problems with the IMU’s not being detectable once connected to the MUX, but after troubleshooting for several hours, realized that for whatever reason with the MUX, I was only able to read the sensor data if I decreased the clock speed for I2C to 100kHz. So I am officially ‘done’ with getting the back device working / reading data. My main goal for the upcoming week is going to be getting the bluetooth from the arduino to our webapp working so that the users’ data can actually be displayed / processed. Luckily, I am actually mostly caught up now. I still haven’t made any progress on the foot device, but after working with Jasmine to get bluetooth working I will get started on that. We were also able to get a bluetooth example working, so I am hopeful that converting the example to our application specific use case won’t take significant time.  Unfortunately because of the issues with the MUX, our placing sensors onto fabrics was delayed(as we wanted to make sure everything was working before committing to them), but that should happen without much problem next week) So in effect next week I am hoping to get the sensor data communicated via BLE to our webapp, and I am going to work with Rachel to get the sensors attached to fabrics so that it can be ready for the demo. I will likely also experiment with making sure the batteries we got provide sufficient power to our device.

Rachel Zhao’s Status Reports for Mar. 18

This week I focused on the Ethics Assignment. After reading the paragraphs that are posted, I gained a new understanding of what ethics in designing a capstone project is and what I can do to make sure my project stays ethical.  We also planned a meeting to further discuss the ethics in our project as a group.

On my own part of work, I am mostly confused when working on my own. Since I have not been working on a web development project since a year ago, much of the knowledge is forgotten and I am struggling to fulfill the demand of the group. I am not sure what I can do about the situation I am facing.

I plan to reach out on stack and see if there are any TA who is experienced in website development, and I will also dig deeper into the ethic of our project by listening to the lectures given next week.

Jasmine Yew’s Status Report for March 18

This week, I created our web app’s registration and login pages and also the class Ethics assignment. In addition, Sydney and I worked together to implement the Bluetooth connection between our device and the web app.

The login page of the website
A temporary page to connect our web app to the device via Bluetooth

With our newly updated schedule, I am currently on schedule and hope to next week be able to send and receive data properly, such that I can complete the feedback page.

Team Status Report for March 18

This week, we primarily worked on the website and getting the Arduino to connect. Since we recently decided to create a web app rather than a mobile app, we’ve had to look at different solutions for connecting our website to the device. One of the biggest risks currently is being able to properly receive large amounts of data sent from the Arduino on the web app. To mitigate these risks, we are looking into solutions where we read data in chunks of bytes. We are currently behind schedule because our parts only arrived this week and due to Rachel’s recent procedure, we have not been able to get as much progress done as planned. However, after shifting some tasks around and changing the amount of time for each, we should still be on time to finish our project by the final presentation.

Our updated schedule

Sydney’s Status Report for March 18

This week I worked on the Ethics assignment, as well as beginning work on the hardware interface. Our boards finally arrived, yay! So far I have managed to get the basic example working, meaning that we can read sensor data from the IMUs. I am still working on getting the on board quartenion processing working. I also worked on configuing the boards bluetooth to work with our web application, which created a potential concern for me. The Arduino web bluetooth library and the DMP library together might occupy all of the on board arduino memory without even including anything extra for our program. So this is something I am going to start investigating next week when I will probably try and combine the two. Worst case scenario, I think we will just offload the quaternion processing to the web app. On the github, you can see the work I have done / played around with under ‘hardware’. Looking at the schedule, while I am currently behind, I think I will be able to catch up next week as configuring the sensors doesn’t appear to be as much of a problem as we originally anticipated.  As I did meet the goal of reading data from the devices this week. Next week it shouldn’t be much of a problem to get the IMU’s placed onto our fabrics.  I will also try to get the MUX working so that I can read data from all of the sensors, not just one.



Team Status Report for Mar. 4

This week our team focused on building the design review report and had a few instructing discussions on where we are focusing based on our current resources and capability. Jasmine is on track to work on the website development part of our project, while Sydney is waiting on our parts to arrive.  Rachel had a medical accident that made her hospitalized and unable to catch up on work during spring break. Our team is planning to discuss redesigning the schedule based on the current setback and hardware and human resource limitations. We also look forward to receiving advice from the faculty and course staff. Our plan next week is to reach out to ECE receiving office to check on the arrival of our parts and to order some parts at a faster speed if it is financially allowed.

Zhichun Zhao’s Status Report for Mar. 4

This week I mainly focused on building the design review document. We held multiple team meetings together to discuss further details of the design, and we are becoming more explicit about our design goal.

Due to a personal medical accident, I was hospitalized and could not work during spring break, during which I planned to work on website development. I plan to reach out to the course staff and my group mates to see if we can adjust the schedule so I can catch up on my work. I am also concerned about the parts that we are still waiting on. I reached out to course staff and the receiving office of the ECE department and have not gotten any response yet.