This week I was able to accomplish getting the test module done. Users are now able to pick the desired topics that they want to be tested on and they would be given 10 random questions to be tested on. I was able to work with Aishwarya to deal with the integration of how to send and store if the sign was correct or not into our test module. Apart from that, I finished creating the results page and am now able to show to the users the results of their test in a clear and intuitive way. I also helped do a bit more training data for some of our machine learning models that we are having accuracy trouble with and helped do the final presentation slides.
I am currently on schedule. For next week, I am giving the final presentation so I am going to spend some time this next week practicing for it. After that, my next goal is to work on the final poster and the final report to get that finished up before finals week starts.