This week, we finally finished a working demo of the wearable and Webapp! Joanne and Edward spent several hours debugging and bug squashing in order to properly filter out the incoming finger location data from the wearable. Eventually, they converged on a working system. See video here.
The current issues remaining are that WiFi is fairly slow and negatively affect latency. It isn’t too bad, but it makes our system less real-time than what we wanted. If we were to do this again, we would use BLE or perhaps some other wireless protocol.
Anushka worked on refining the hologram design. She design several version of the hologram and cut them out to see which one gave the best effect. So far, the pyramid with angles that are above 60 degrees and on a big screen work the best. She has also started working on the encasing for the hologram. At this point, we’re not really sure how to improve the visualization without changing it altogether, so we might try bigger angles on smaller screens throughout the week to see what gives the best effect.
We are on schedule to have something for the demo. This week we will work on polishing everything up and making sure things are in order to not blow up at demo day.