After I submitted last week’s status update, me and Joanne worked on fixing the bugs in the Webapp. We spent several hours cleaning up the code and trying to see what was causing the issues. We have been seeing that the model freezes up or moves in the opposite direction when the wearable sends is finger locations. After debugging, we finally found the issue and fixed it up. This video was made right after we fixed all the bugs!
This week, I prepared for and worked on the final presentation. Anushka was feeling better, so I gave her the wearable for her to properly sew on. So, without any hardware, I spent most of this week working on the final presentation.
I am on schedule and pretty much done with the individual tasks I needed to get done this semester! Next week, I will help on polishing everything for the final demo. We still need to build the hologram pyramid, so I will be helping Anushka on that. Super excited to demo our system in the final demo!