This week I focused on drafting up the web application by adding UI and other features we need for the project. I added a login/register feature for users and am in the midst of creating a preview of the 3d model.
I refined code for the 3d model rotation. Previously our problem was that noise in data caused the 3d model to spike toward the wrong direction. Therefore I filtered out all of the noise by just ignoring data points that caused those spikes. This caused this 3d model to rotate more smoothly. I also tested out the zoom in feature using live data from the sensors. The zoom in right now zooms in at a constant pace. I am working on a fix right now to get the zoom in to work at a pace that matches the user’s input gesture speed. This week I will focus on refining these algorithms more so the translations happen more smoothly even when there is a lot of noise.
I also started helping out with the gesture detection part of the project. We had team meetings to discuss how we can improve the algorithm to increase accuracy in finger detection. We came up with the conclusion of using ML and are in the midst of testing our new algorithm. We are in the midst of integrating all of our components.