Team Status Report for 4/10

Team Status Report for 4/10

This week, we integrated all three parts of the project so that putting in a correct fingering on the flute controller would display on the webapp after going through the flow of data. We were able to show this functionality in our interim demo, as 

Angel’s Status Report for 4/10

Angel’s Status Report for 4/10

This week I worked with Vivian and Judenique to establish the data flow between the flute controller to the webapp by writing the data sent over Bluetooth to a text file that the web application then reads and displays. I also added gyroscope and breath 

Vivian’s Status Report 4/10

Vivian’s Status Report 4/10

This week was really crazy because of Carnival, but I was still able to make good progress. I started to make a smaller breath sensor, but I still need to attach the latex to the sensor and mount it inside the controller. I worked with 

Team Status Report for 4/2

Team Status Report for 4/2

This week, we started integrating Angel’s and Vivian’s portions of the project, and were able to successfully send button data  from the flute controller (that Angel and Vivian created in Techspark this week) and play the corresponding note off of the RPi. The flute controller 

Angel’s Status Report for 4/2

Angel’s Status Report for 4/2

I was able to accomplish a lot this week. First, I updated the python code to decode the bit mapping sent from the Arduino Nano and print of the played the note (C, C#,etc). Secondly, I was able to write code in Sonic Pi to 

Judenique’s Status Report for 4/2

Judenique’s Status Report for 4/2

This week I made significant progress on the learning mode. I worked mostly on the backend of how it should operate so I would say I partly accomplished one of my goals of finishing up the learn mode. Designing the front end has been a 

Vivian’s Status Report for 4/2

Vivian’s Status Report for 4/2

This week was a pretty productive week. I worked with Angel to cut and drill holes in the pvc to mount all the buttons. We also came up with a plan to attach the buttons to the pvc: they fit pretty snugly now, so for 

Judenique’s Status Report for 3/26

Judenique’s Status Report for 3/26

This week I got to chance to catch up on some of the tasks I missed last week. I have a draft of how the fingerings would look and how the modes should look. I am in the process of implementing them but it is 

Team Status Report for 3/26

Team Status Report for 3/26

This week, there weren’t any major design changes made. The only change we made was to use the accelerometer off the Arduino Nano directly instead of getting a separate module. Vivian was successfully able to print out the degree change from the horizontal using the 

Vivian’s Status Report for 3/26

Vivian’s Status Report for 3/26

This week, the first thing I accomplished was successfully testing the gyroscope on the Arduino Nano BLE. I found out that it’s actually best for us to use the accelerometer instead of gyroscope for the degree difference from the horizontal, and I was able to